Imagine what the effects would be if the makos happen in 2020, not 2448. Here’s some of the possible effects:
-Me, last night
Dam: No need for blood drives, we need water!
Post-Dam: The world’s response with water shipments
Tzfarde’a: Cleaning up all the dead frogs. Ew!
Kinim: With all the bugs around, supplies of insect repellent run very low.
Arov: After a lion destroyed your house, maybe visiting wild animals is not the best idea…
Dever: Time to bury all the dead pets
Shechin: A plume of smoke, then skin diseases.
Borod: Weather forecast – Heavy hailstorm
Arbeh: Spraying insecticide might help, at least a little.
Choshech: It’s dark.
Yetzias Mitzrayim: Putting the bad times in our rear-view mirror
Mareh: In the desert with nothing to drink